
Thursday, June 30, 2011

I just watched...

WOW! That's all I can say. WOW! I just finished watching The Business of Being Born. Fabulous documentary to watch. Yes, it's a few years old (2007) but it is absolutely amazing. My husband thinks it's a bunch of malarky, but I found it to be so enlightening. While I'm not sure I want a home birth, I am shocked at some of the stuff I have learned about child birth actually playing out in front of me via water births and other various forms of at home deliveries. My favorite by far still remains the water birth, but I found all of it to be extremely educational. Definitely gave me a lot to think about...

I highly recommend this film (which I watched through Netflix instant streaming) to EVERYONE. Whether you have had a child or not, it is amazing to hear what doctors are saying. They do interview doctors who support home deliveries as well as doctors that don't. They havemany many experts that they bring in as well, and its absolutely fabulous!


Emmy Lynette said...

With any luck I'll never need to know anything about birthing, even if I'm healthy enough for it I don't think my stomach could - the whole business sounds really very gross. I will never understand how anyone could go on to say that birth is beautiful. I take the stance from True Women, the half Cherokee leading lady refuses to give birth because she witnessed a birth once (of course this being a frontier birth the mother died.)

BeckyAnn said...

well, that is one viewpoint, but it really doesnt have much to do with what i was talking about. i was discussing the movie and its discussion of midwives versus an obstetrician...

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